2024 Summer Housing

Students are now able to apply for summer housing online. Summer housing is available to:

Apply for Summer Housing

Undergraduate Students

Applications should be submitted by Friday, April 13, 2024 via the “Summer 2024: Housing Application”. Students will be approved on a case-by-case basis and receive notification via email.

Housing Placement

  • All effort will be made to place students scheduled to live in the neighborhood for FALL 2024 into their fall assignments. Please note that given the current situation, in some cases this may not be possible 
  • Undergraduates not living in the Neighborhood will be placed in Neighborhood housing (CU Apartments, Capital Commons, Sheridan Ave.) for the summer. 
  • Summer Housing Rates : $150 per week

Summer Housing Timeline

  • Move-in: Saturday and Sunday, May 18-19 (anticipated)
    Students will be moved as spaces become available, with priority given to those transitioning out of the traditional residence halls.
  • Move-out: (transition to Fall housing): August 3-4. (anticipated)
  • Students could transition to Fall housing in advance of these dates, but no sooner than July 29.


The above dates are subject to change based on unit availability. Our Residential Life and Facilities teams will do our best to ensure that units are prepared as timely as possible.

All summer housing residents will be added to the extended stay list and remain in their spring housing assignment until their summer placement is ready.

Additionally, please note that Facilities may need access to your space to complete necessary repairs throughout the summer, as summer is the primary time for completing maintenance in University housing. Notice will be given of the work needing completed in advance. Projects will be ongoing on campus throughout residential facilities. We will do our best to ensure impact on your experience is minimal.

Master of Music or Kodaly Summer Program

Applications should be submitted by June 1, 2024 via the “Summer 2024: Housing Application”.

Housing Placement will be in the Capital University Apartments (located at 2130 Astor Ave.)

  • Learn more about the CU Apartments
  • All apartments are 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom. Residents will have a private room, but share the apartment with another MMME student.
  • The summer rate for MMME students is: $300 (per person/per week)


  • Housing for Session 2

    Move-in: Saturday and Sunday, July 6-7
    Move-out: Saturday and Sunday, July 27-28

Summer Housing Policies, Procedures & Expectations


Residents must complete a proper check-in as directed in your summer housing confirmation letter. Upon check-out, the room must be returned to the original clean condition. An apartment inventory and assessment will be completed prior to your arrival. Your keys must be returned as directed by the Residential Life Staff.


The Capital University Student Code of Conduct is intended to promote community standards and foster the development of self-directed, responsible citizens.


The University is not responsible for loss, damage, or destruction of personal property. Purchasing or arranging for personal property insurance coverage is the resident's responsibility.


The Office of Residential and Commuter Life may terminate your contract after serving the resident with a written notice to vacate the premises, take possession thereof for the following reasons: 1) Non-compliance with University policies, residence hall policies and procedures, local, federal and state laws where applicable, 2) Damage from fire, smoke, or other causes making the premises uninhabitable. 

Have Questions?

We understand that you might still have questions, and we're here with answers! Reach out to Residential & Commuter Life:

Email: residencelife@yutb.net
Phone: (614) 236-6811
Schedule a Zoom: Our meeting scheduling page

If you need assistance from staff at anytime over break contact RCL-24/7 at (614) 236-7213